As the exams are now finished, the next modules are customer service and funeral work. Funeral work is proving weird - after being self taught and making my brother/dad/friends' relatives tributes for years, it's interesting to learn the 'City & Guilds college way' and also the 'Kaysflowerschool' way. Again both different to how I made my tributes and being totally honest - I do prefer Janette at Kaysflowerschool way for mitring corners but I like the knife edge pleating for posies (Gail's way from college) for posies - So as ever, picking up hints and tips from all my learning.
Mitring the corners is sooooo difficult especially with traditional clumpy staplers - so
tip 1 is definately invest in a professional floristry slim stapler!!
tip 2 slide the frame over the desk/counter as it makes it easier to work underneath
Anyway - here are some examples of college work
and kaysflowerschool way: